Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cooper Young Festival

All my sleepless nights finally paid off yesterday at the Cooper Young Festival. This was my biggest festival I have participated in thus far. I was so worried about the rain that might or might not happen, but other than the wind that would occasionally lift my tent off the ground and the sweltering heat that was burning into my very fair skin... it was a huge success for me aka Smashing Threads. I was very taken back by all the comments I received. Most of all my sales are done online so you don't really get to hear what people have to say other than the short feedback they might leave. Not letting it get to my head, I was told that I had one of the best booths there this year. I not only had people come and visit once, but more than several came back two or more times trying to decide what item they just couldn't live without. This experience has definitely given me what I need to continue with my work and pursue my career designing. I am also meeting with someone later this week that would like to start carrying my items in her store! So I am very excited. I will have to post some pics soon of the festival. Unfortunately as I whipped out my camera to take some shots I must have forgot to charge my battery. So thankfully Bethany had her awesome iphone there to take some pics. I just want to thank my brother, Josh as well for my Banner design. It looked so amazing.